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Foodie Friday – Grilled Miso Eggplant & Baby Bok Choy with Sesame Ginger Meatballs

Happy beginning to the long weekend! I’ve cooked up a delicious meal for you to try this weekend. I love the flavors in this supper! SO GOOD! This is a meal that could easily be grilled on the BBQ though I made it inside this week. Just make the meatballs into burger patties instead. It is quick to put together and satisfyingly delicious.


Sesame Ginger Meatballs 


  • 1 pound of organic ground pork
  • 1 cup organic green onions, sliced
  • 2 TBSP roasted organic sesame oil
  • 2 TBSP organic Tamari
  • 1 TBSP freshly grated organic ginger root
  • 1/2 tsp pepper

Grilled Miso Eggplant & Baby Bok Choy


  • 1 bag of organic baby bok choy (about 20)
  • 1 or 2 medium sized organic eggplants
  • 2 TBSP organic chick pea miso (I found this at Earth’s General Store – you can use soy-based miso if you prefer)
  • 1/2 TBSP white wine vinegar
  • 2 TBSP organic olive or avocado oil

Make It:

  1. In a bowl, combine all of the meatball ingredients until thoroughly mixed. You can also prepare this a few hours ahead of time to let the flavors marinade. Form meatballs or burger patties using your hands. This will make 8 burger patties or about 24 meatballs. Heat up your cooking surface to medium and cook the meatballs or burgers, flipping to achieve a nice brown on each side. Make sure to leave space in between the meatballs to cook them evenly.
    dscn1674  dscn1682
  2. While the meat balls or patties are cooking, wash the eggplant and baby bok choy and spin the bok choy to dry. In a small bowl, combine the miso, white wine vinegar and oil until smooth. Slice the eggplant open lengthwise. Score the eggplant flesh both ways diagonally.
    dscn1681 dscn1678
  3. Place the baby bok choy evenly on a grilling surface and lightly brush with miso. Grill until cooked on both sides.  At the same time, grill the eggplant in a pan, skin side down for 3-4 minutes.  Flip and grill 3-4 more minutes, covering pan with a lid. Place the baby bok choy and eggplant on a serving dish, and brush the eggplant scores generously with miso mixture.
    dscn1686 dscn1687


Serves 4.

Enjoy and happy long weekend!

