90 Days to Health
This 90-day program that is designed to give you the tools and resources to eat well, move well and think well and do it for a lifetime. You can live a better, longer life. The program incorporates a daily meal plan, an exercise regime, video education, and a pre and post assessment to show your life-changing results.
Simple. Comprehensive.
Transform into a healthier you in 90 Days. Use it to kick start healthier next year. Younger next year. Better next year.
Already dialled in exercise? Round out your lifestyle with the diet or emotional health work. Starting from scratch all around? No problem, it is easy to implement and the changes are amazing.
Get a pod together to help motivate (or invite a little healthy competition) and provide additional support and accountability.
Details of a client running through the program:
Overwhelmed with curiosity about the Wellness Lifestyle Program offered by Redefined Health, I decided to interview a current participant about their experience. Amy graciously agreed to give me the inside scoop on 90 Days to Health. The program includes pre and post assessments, comprehensive meal plans, customized exercise plans, and videos on how to move, eat and think well. Amy is a massage therapist at Redefined Health specializing in sports and therapeutic massage as well as pre and post natal massage. She is a sprint kayaker, proud auntie, and a busy student.
Jenny: Amy thanks for doing this interview me. Could you walk me through the 90 Days To Health experience for you? What was the first thing you did?
Amy: Well, first I did a health risk assessment which included a questionnaire and a fitness test. I started changing my eating habits and looked at the recipes, which you can print out week by week. The fitness portion was really easy to start after completing the fitness assessment – I found the exercises simple and easy to follow. The think well aspect … it was really interesting and gives you positive thoughts throughout the day. When I started I watched short learning segments and seminars about why certain habits are better to change than others. I really liked those.
Jenny: So what made you choose this program?
Amy: I was starting to work at Redefined Health and I wanted to understand all the clinic was offering to people, and this is part of it. I think there are always changes to be made to make ourselves better and healthier. So this was a good thing to check out.
Jenny: How far into 90 days are you right now?
Amy: I am at day 43 right now. But during Christmas I failed epically.
Jenny: That leads into my next question – have you had any days you wanted to throw in the towel?
Amy: Haha. Yes. Christmas. Well, I didn’t completely want to throw in the towel. Christmas was really hard with all the baked goods and family dinners. I followed my plan quite a bit with meals, just not much beyond that. I caved to some desserts and gluten/flour-filled things.
Jenny: What’s the best or most rewarding part of the program for you?
Amy: Feeling better. More energy. It’s amazing how you don’t realize you are feeling bad eating certain foods. Yeah, I would say the dietary changes have been the most effective. I also like the thinking well aspect. It’s a really neat way to stay positive. In the beginning, you start with gratification exercises. A few times a day you day what you are grateful for. Then I moved into affirmation and saying positive things about yourself. You look at aspects of what makes a good character (according to you) and make a plan to better achieve this.
Jenny: I’m curious, it seems like the food component of this program could be daunting. How have you found it?
Amy: I thought the same as well, but it’s not that bad! It makes it so much easier having recipes there. It’s a lot of good food. Everything tastes good, and it doesn’t take too long to prepare!
Jenny: What about the exercises? Is this a fitness program that really pushes you?
Amy: It’s been good. It’s nice to have routine and then you can see benefits and improvements. A lot of the fitness is set up. You don’t even have to go to the gym. For me, I do free weights at home, and other days can be outside for a run if I want to bear the weather. It’s about 20-30 minutes a day, it’s good. Less monotonous than my usual and I was not going to the gym as often as I should, so it got me back into the habit of exercising.
Jenny: What changes have you seen in your life?
Amy: More energy, a more positive outlook, less bloated feeling and just healthier!
Jenny: If someone came up to you and asked about 90 Days to Health, what tip would you give them?
Amy: Do it!
Jenny: Anything else you would like to add?
Amy: It’s a really, really great program. I would highly recommend it for people. Not only will it help you feel better in life, but it opens your eyes to ask more questions about why you are putting certain things in your body.
Jenny: Thanks so much Amy for sharing your experience!
If you are interested in the Wellness Lifestyle Program, please talk to us at Redefined Health.